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    What Makes a Good Winter Running Shoe?

    Published on February 14th, 2018

    If you’re an avid runner, you know that running outside in the winter is a completely different ball game. It’s especially difficult to adjust to running outside in Chicago winters, because let’s face it, some days the conditions can be brutal. Black ice, slush, negative wind chills, layers of fresh powder sprinkling down at any given moment. If you’re brave enough to face these conditions, make sure your shoes are up to the challenge, too.

    We’ve highlighted some of the most important aspects to keep in mind to ensure you finish the winter running season on a high note.

    1. Traction

    Winter conditions can even make flat surfaces feel treacherous to run on. Ensure your shoes have enough traction to handle all landscapes so you can run confidently no matter what route you take. Some winter running shoes even come with spikes, making even the steepest hills a breeze.

    1. Fit

    The importance of a snug fit cannot be overstated. The last thing you want is your foot feeling too loose inside of your shoe while you try to safely run through snow and ice. Whether the tightness comes from extra padding inside the shoe or extra snug laces, make sure the shoes you buy fit securely around your feet.

    1. Durability

    You don’t want to buy an expensive pair of winter running shoes only to have them last one season. The shoes should be made from materials that can endure harsh conditions without breaking down.

    1. Material – waterproof

    This one goes hand-in-hand with durability. It’s often the materials that determine how well your shoes will hold up against Mother Nature. Are your shoes wind-proof? Waterproof? Are they warm? Do they have any reflection to ensure other cars and people can see you in the dark? Take all of these things into consideration.

    1. Price

    How much are you looking to spend? How long do you want your shoes to last? These are things you should take into consideration when purchasing winter running shoes. While more expensive doesn’t always equate to better quality, you should be willing to invest in the perfect pair that will suit the type of runner you are.

    Hang in there, runners! Finish the winter season strong. Spring (and warmth) is right around the corner.

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